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Multiple Ways to Add Value to Commercial Property

“How do you add value to commercial property?” People always seem to answer it a bit flippantly: “Just find a commercial property, buy it, add value and enjoy the uplift.” Easier said than done! So how do you really add value? Well, there are actually lots of different methods and in this podcast Jerry shares

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Dean Booty & The Business of self storage | Container 2.4

Dean Booty joins us for part two of our recent interview. In this session we discuss the business of self storage. How can you scale a self storage business and some of the things you need in place to make it successful.  Lots of great detail can be found in this installment for those of

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B2B Ep 1 – The 7 Steps to Buying a Commercial Property

Welcome to a smaller bite sized CPI episode which is all about getting Back to Basics. The audience for the CPI Podcast is growing and we are very grateful for that, but some of our newer listeners have said they want to easily access more fundamental content to help them get up to speed with the

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Dean Booty interview | Container 2.3

The tour de force that is Dean Booty is back on the podcast. Dean joined us recently to discuss what has been going on with his amazing Self storage business: Stor More, plus self storage podcasts, business, great plans, broken plans and oh of course container self storage and why it is so awesome.  Tune

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Gillian & Darren Green review their first Commercial deal

CPI Network Members Darren and Gillian Green share the wins and challenges of finding, negotiating, developing and ultimately filling their first CMO property. This fantastic couple have built an enviable residential property portfolio and have now successfully started adding cash flowing commercial properties to their business.   We cover lots of ground in this interview including

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Jane Sartin; The Flexible Space Association

In this episode we are joined by Jane Sartin, the Executive Director of The UK Flexible Space association. Jane describes what the association does for its members and the wider Flexible space industry including representing us at Parliament.  We talk about how the association has evolved over recent years to represent a broader base of

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Setup & Ongoing Costs | Container 2.1

Over the coming weeks the Container Self Storage Mini series is making a return with 5 brand new epsiodes. In this very popular series we will be covering additional topics for investors evaluating the Container Storage business and having conversations with industry influencers. In this first epsiode we share a live conversation about setup and

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How To Outwit Your Competition & Let More Commercial Space

Competition is inevitable, but in this episode I’m covering some of the key points that could help you to stand out from the crowd. These can be applied to letting Commercial multilet property or more general business. Including: Making sure you have something different to offer  Scope out the competition to understand their offerings  Don’t

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