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Ross Smith & Roger Coulter | Anderson Smith Insurance & How to get Commercial Property Insurance right

Jerry speaks with Ross Smith and Roger Coulter of Anderson Smith Insurance discussing some of the important questions around Commercial Property Insurance including how to control your premiums, what is important to your broker and crucially, when should you insure your commercial property project. Insurance Brokers: Anderson Smith details:http://www.anderson-smith.co.ukross@anderson-smith.co.ukOffice number: 01577 333177 Join the Commercial

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Dan Taylor | Boxing a Brand & Buying Businesses

Jerry speaks with Dan Taylor of Taylor Capital on a long career of buying businesses, commercial property and a particulary interesting strategy Dan has coined as “Boxing a Brand” Find out more about Taylor Capital at https://taylorcapital.co.uk/ Join the Commercial Property Investor Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/commercialpropertyinvestor/Jerry Alexander on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jerryalexander/ Instagram for Commercial Property: https://www.instagram.com/jerryalexander.commercial/ Commercial

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Inflation Revisited: What you need to know

Jerry provides an update to episode 50 about Inflation with some important factors affecting contracts and your potential income. Plus he talks through some of the opportunities for negotiation that higher inflation may bring. Join the Commercial Property Investor Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/commercialpropertyinvestor/Jerry Alexander on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jerryalexander/ Instagram for Commercial Property: https://www.instagram.com/jerryalexander.commercial/ Commercial Property Investor YouTube

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Linda Martin | Flipping & CMO Commercial Projects

Jerry chats with property entrepreneur Linda Martin on flipping residential property and her experiences of getting that first Commercial property deal.  Linda shares how she managed to find the deal and how she has used her flair for design to differentiate her CMO offer to attract customers.  This episode is a must if you have

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Should I Invest Locally or at a Distance?

A frequent question we are asked at CPI is “does it matter if I invest locally or further away?” This is a totally normal question particularly when you are starting out and there are lots of loose ends. There’s a lot of choices to think about: what sector should I choose, what size of property,

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Neil McLeod | Lyon’s Den Listed CMO Development

Jerry talks with Neil McLeod about the Lyon’s Den development. Neil has successfully restored and modernised this historical listed property to provide a business hub with a mix of private spaces and co-working. Neil shares the story of this development and what his plans are for additional locations. Neil McLeodLinkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/neil-mcleod-property-partners/Instagram: @neilmcleodpropertypartners / @propertypartsFacebook: @propertyparts Website: http://www.propertypartners.scotEmail:

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What Commercial Investors Should Be Asking

Jerry answers some of the questions he is often asked and poses some of his own. It is not easy getting started in any new area of investing, but asking the right questions can really speed up our learning.  If you are just getting started in Commercial Property Investing and have lots of your own

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Paul Murray | Chapel Conversion & Building a Property Business

Jerry talks with Paul Murray about a number of developer experiences including raising private finance to scale up to the next level, commercial to HMO properties and a particularly interesting build to rent project. Paul doesn’t do things by half’s and shows that tenacity can out play the professionals even when they are all telling you

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How to Make Active Commercial Property Investing MORE PASSIVE

Jerry shares his views on making an active commercial property business more passive and the difficulties of letting go as an active investor. Using active strategies can really speed up your business growth. But for those of you who want more passive investments those strategies don’t need to remain active forever. You can make an

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