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30 – Interview: Developing a 500 year old castle

A Residential to commercial development with Jamie Fraser about the transformation of a 500 year old house to an income producing desirable venue space: Wedderlie House. Jamie & his wife Connie have taken on a 60 acre site with its own castle, stable block and various outbuildings. They are lovingly restoring the property to provide

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Does Size Really Matter? (YES?)

In this episode Jerry talks about how scale can really impact the cash flow from CMO (Commercial Multiple Occupancy) properties whilst also talking about the journey to scale and that this will be different for each investor. It is important to start with a strategy that will work for you. Learn which Commercial property investing

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Bonus: Market Trends and Growth Opportunities

Welcome to this bonus episode of the Commercial Property investor podcast. Jerry shares some of the trends that are defining increasing enquiry levels and what type of space some people and businesses are looking for. Some of these macro trends will impact your local enquiry levels. This episode was recorded as a live stream within

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Michael Primrose| Alternative Finance for Acquisition & Development

Jerry is joined by Michael Primrose to discuss raising finance on the main markets and look at alternative options to raise finance for aspiring commerical property developers. We talk about typical rates and what finance providers are looking for from their borrowers. You can find Michael at: https://www.thepropertyfinancecollective.co.uk/ Join the Commercial Property Investor Facebook Group:

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How to Build your Portfolio Bigger & Quicker (Goal Setting)

Do you find yourself asking, “Why is it that some people seem to be finding it easier or more natural to be driven & focused and they are annoyingly making real progress.” And yet it seems you can’t quite get into that zone? Well help is here. In this episode Jerry shares how goal setting,

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How do You Access Deals ? (Commercial Property Agents)

This week Jerry gives you some tips on how to access deals through agents. There is no silver bullet here, but it is possible to make sense of it and to streamline things. Join the Commercial Property Investor Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/commercialpropertyinvestor/Join us at the CPI-Network:A community of commercial property investors. Get in the Swim membership

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Our Key Investment Strategy Revealed (The Commercial Jigsaw Explained)

Commercial Property is increasingly being discussed in a two dimensional way.  It’s as though commercial is a single entity banded together within the same rules and confines. When moving from residential to commercial property investment, there is a wider variety of strategies to implement. It all depends on how creative you are willing to get

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Good Design Appeal & Attracting Customers/ Buyers/ Tenants

In this episode Jerry covers some of the design and physical factors that you can improve to increase the appeal of your offer throughout the customer journey, from the initial contact right through to signing up. This is not specifically about sales but more about making the property enticing enough to ease the sales process.

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The Value of Context & Market Update

With so many opinions coming from all angles on what the best investment strategy is best now and in the future, it can be easy to lose perspective on whether advice is in the right context. One piece of advice may seem relevant to a sector but it pays to take a closer look. Join

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