Podcast Episode Index

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Commercial Valuations including CMO with Valuations expert Ryan Stevens

Ever wondered how Commercial Valuations are calculated and what factors influence them? In this super insightful episode Ryan Stevens shares the process that he goes through for each valuation he carries out for many different financial lenders.  Ryan also shares how CMO properties can be valued and how the value is divided between the operational/trading

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Rising Energy costs & what we can do about it [cost of living, commercial property]

On another bite-size episode, Jerry discusses his experiences with rising energy cost and what it means for commercial property operators.    Join the Commercial Property Investor Facebook Group: https://bit.ly/CP-Group Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jerryalexander.commercial/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/commercialpropertyinvestor/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jerryalexander/ Website: https://www.commercialpropertyinvestor.co.uk/ Property Investing, Commercial Real Estate, Strategies, CMO, Lease, Licence Agreement, Cashflow, Vacancy rates, Agents, Best Commercial property podcast,

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Container Storage Update 2022 | Container 1.6

Jerry shares an update on his container storage acquisition during lockdown. He shares the numbers and lessons so far plus a few tips for those looking to invest in this market.  Lots of our listeners continue to show interest in this business model, so we thought it was about time to give an update on

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